This program will, when finished, allow full editing of Dark Forces GOB files, including levels, objects, and possibly graphics. Currently, all it does is view levels.
If you find errors, e-mail me at
Who needs it?
Everyone! Well, not really. Just those who want to create their own levels.
What's next?
This program represents my first step towards creating a full-fledged Dark Forces editor. Yves Borckmans has graciously allowed me access to his source code so I'm attempting to piece together a Mac-friendly version of his PC level editor, DFUSE. I've also been peeking at the source code to the DOOM editor DEU to pick up some tips and possibly speed improvements. I'm shooting for an interface based on the Marathon editor, Phorte, but that's farther in the future.
You will always be able to find the latest version of this package on my Dark Forces page at
How do I use it?
First, ungob a GOB file with either GobIt or GOB Viewer, pointers to both are on my Dark Forces page.
Ñ Open up the .LEV file in the editor
Ñ Take a look around. Try clicking on stuff. Marvel at the clunky graphics. Be in awe of the blazing redraw speed.
About the program
There's several things about this program which I'm not entirely satisfied with. First of all, it is rather severe in it's error checking. If it detects an error, it'll let you know and then immediately terminate. I haven't tested it too thoroughly so I'll implement smoother error-checking as the need arises.
I'm admittedly terrible at testing my own programs. Tear it apart. Bring heinous errors to my attention!
Version History
0.7 - 31 January 1996 - Fixed miscellaneous scroll bar bugs, added support for clicking on stuff, finished compiling all the editing features, but no interface for most of them yet.
0.5 - 28 January 1996 - First aborted release. Archive was corrupted so no one saw it! You didn't miss much.
The Future
It's starting to pick up considerable momentum. I'll finish the editing features hopefully by this weekend. After that, by the end of next week I should have all the file saving routines written. Expect to see a floating window with editable object info Real Soon Now.
After that, I'll be seriously tearing up the interface and drawing code, hopefully to make it much faster and more intuitive. I'm pretty disappointed in the current drawing speed and how it looks. This will probably change the second after I get completely disgusted, which is approaching fast.
I claim no responsibility for anything, including lost data, trashed hard drives, etc. If it smokes your hard drive, imagine what it's doing to mine and you'll probably gain some measure of satisfaction, but that's all.